MLA citation:Dining with terrorist-fighting occupation 28 feb 09- pt1. 2009. Web. 2 Mar 2014.
In this serie of videos it is clearly reflected how the israelites have abused of their neighbors, the palestinians into assinament in their own territory. People have suffered this economically and politically. This is because they depend on israel decisions, because they are not allowed to have their own presidency, and habe few income because israel blocks most of their trade. Israel is slowly driving palestine into a smaller portion of land.
From my personal point of view I feel that the only way for the palestinians to gain their rights will be violently. This is because the Israelite government won't recognize the palestine state. Besides, it will continue its oppression toward the palestines to get the rest of their land. Israel won't rest until they obtain the rest of Palestine as their own.
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