lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Economic Hit Men consequences

Economic hit man are men hired by powerful countries and corporations to get the "inferior" countries into economical submission due to huge debt they can't afford. They trick a country into owing huge amounts of money in order for the country to "invest on its people", but the reallity is that they want them to enter into the corporatocracy. Corporatocracy us the system in which the companies, the economical submission and control of a territory are established by a foreign power. These system drags down much of our income in latin america, which is one of the main discontents that people have against actual government.

Some of this consequesces include the rejection toward the TLC here in Colombia. Many people, including local merchants and manufacturers agree that this agreement with the US government is not beneficial for them. They know that if foreign companies come here, people will buy their more especialized product. By this, this companies will be drilling the money out of the country. Other consequence might be the US military bases that are in Colombian territory. This  bases were established in 2011 but people might say they are a sort of "payment" from Colombia to the US as part of their debts.

Another main consequence might be that the US government is the one that regulates our prices of oil. Thse is because they have private oil companies here and they impose their own prices. That is obe reason why the oil prices are so high. 

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