martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Race reflection

Race has oftened been relationed with biological and genetic aspects of the human body. It is commonly believed that  determined races have some special abilities and that those abilities condition the person. For example, it is believed that black people are destined to be poor and thiefs because of their race. This is proved to be a biological myth because the characteristics that influence someone's life is shaped by society. This belief starts from the 17th century where whites were seen as the superior race. This idea conditioned the other groups to submission, which made them their subordinates and entering poverty. 

This is the reason why some groups are considered dumb and poor, because they were conditioned by society, not by their genes. Thats why a group that wanted to secure white dominance through biological selection was created, called eugenics. This group of people wanted to restrict relation between whites and other groups because they thought the other groups would bring civilization down. They believed they will damage and harm the human existance through their "bad genes".

However, race does not have a biological existance, it includes the social part. Race only exists socially, it can be denied that race exist to difference people. People can be identified socially, but not by their genes. It is more different two people that are from the same "race" that  two people from different "races". Genetically, a black person is more different to another black person than to a white person. That is why race is only of social concern, not scientifical. 

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