domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Venezuela today

Venezuela has been involved into an internal conflict based on the desire of destitution to the president Nicolas Maduro. People are protesting to drive out of the power Nicolas Maduro, due to the great level of insecurity, social discontent, and the economic crisis. The conflict has recently involved the national guard firing against students and civials that protest against the regime.
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MLA citation: Protesta Venezuela, Valera, Edo. Trujillo 24 Febrero 2014. 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <>.
From my point of view I can predict that the opposition will eventually overthrow Maduro. This is because they are willing to maintain in the streets until they achieve what they want. Other prediction that can be depicted is the possible assasination of president Maduro if he is not willing to get out of power by his own. In order for maduro to get out of power he would have to be killed, because he is not going to resign his power.
The venezuelan conflict can be compared to the lybian conflict a few years back because the dictator would be thrown out of government just by violent means, or assasination, like Gadafi. Like the lybian conflict, civilians must assasinate the dictator in order for peace to be restored in the country. It is only a matter of time before civilians and the opposition to the regime can take action on Nicolas Maduro and restore the Venezuelan government.

1 comentario:

  1. Hey Daniel, I really liked your post on Venezuela because it shows what is actually happening inside Venezuela and all its conflict. The protests that turn into violent acts from the goverment.
