miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Power Privileges

History has always teached us that the people who control society and all what we know are because of their amount of power. Power may be defined as the ability to influence someone or something. Power can be political, economical, physical, ideological and such. Power is dependent on many factors that influence our life. This aspects include gender, money, race, culture, strength, intelligence, nationality, language, education, and many other factors. This is why some peoples have more power than others, because they have external factors that fix their perception of society and how society sees them. 

One of the most used powers nowdays are the power of fear. This can be demonstrated when a state oppresses its own people and marginate them from the rest of society, as in the case of North Korea. However, power can also be fundamented in popular will, for example the situation lived in Venezuela and Ukraine earlier this year. The people organized themselves to protest against governmental measures. During these protests, even though the government had more military power the people were able to achieve their objectives through popular power. 

The power privileges give the powerful people a chance to manage the situation as they please. Power is the main relation that has governed our lifes through our lifetime. Everything that we do and experience is a result of powers that move around us. Achieving power can be very difficult, specially if you don't have any of the prior mentioned abilities. Some people may have influence on some areas but been restricted in others. This means that one does have to influence everyone in society but you can have some power and lack some others.

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