lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Situation in Crimea

The situation in the crimean peninsula has turned critical after the celebration of the bicentenary of the poet Taras Shevchenko, an ukrainian national day, when the gathering formed into a discussion between prorussians and ukrainian nationalists. The ukrainian first minister has anounced a visit to the US to solve the conflict. Thousands of people protested in Kiev and other cities such as Sebastopol to support to sovereignty of Ukraine, at a time when Russian troops control the Ukrainian Crimea.

In Kiev, the prime minister said that Ukraine will not give "an inch of its territory" to Russia.Tension is intense in the Crimea, where the local parliament has challenged the authority of Kiev, by organizing a referendum to integrate into Russia. A commander of the Ukrainian guard recently indicated that 30,000 Russian troops were in Crimea.
Photo via: AFP.

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