domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Venezuelan conflict

The Venezuelan conflict is based on the popular and civil action of toppling down Nicolas Maduro's regime. People are protesting against this government because they are tired of its abuses, its politics and ideas, and economic crisis.

This revolutionary movement was initiated by Leopoldo Lopez, who was the former mayor of Chacao. He initiated this protest to fight against the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro and the politics he has followed on his government. Leopoldo Lopez studied in Harvard and worked as economical analyst of PDVSA (Venezuelan oil company). This conflict is mainly led by students that support Lopez's ideas.

The final objective of this revolutionary act is to get Maduro's resignation from the power. Authorities, who support Maduro, has abused of civilians by violent acts. Maduro has tried to stop the publication of the conflict and his abuses toward civilians through the media. He kicked out of the country one of the two mayor news agencies: NTN24, who denounced his atrocities. He tried to expel CNN as well, but he later retracted.

Situation has turned critic in the last days when protest have intensified and several students were found dead. The opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez gave himself to the authorities under his own will. Marches and protests have also taken place in various places around the world to manifest their sympathy toward the Venezuelan opposition trying to overthrow Maduro. Many people are expectant to see this conflict have a final resolution with a quickly overthrow of Nicolas Maduro.
Valencia, Venezuela.
Foto via: Instagram- @venezuelalucha
Tachira, Venezuela.
Foto via: Instagram- @venezuelalucha

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