domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


At the end of this long academic road I’ve noticed how there are open doors to follow my own path and to grow more as a human being. I hope to meet the characteristics that this institution has placed in me and based on them grow and build a prosperous future. In these years in the institution I have grown not only knowledge but also with its own human characteristics. I hope the efforts given to this school are reflected in my future actions and serve as a guide for what some professionals in this institution have taught me.
The most important people that led me to achieve my goals as a student were my mom , my dad , and my sister ; my family in general, they have made me a better person to achieve my set of goals for this academic period. They have given me strength and vital tips to overcome this stage that it can often be hard but we all must learn to overcome; and with their help was much more bearable. Other characters I've met in this way are those few true, but reliable, friends which brighten my day with their experiences. These friends let me show how I can help others and help me for the benefit of all. All these years with them are unforgettable as they are colleagues who have shaped me as a person. Finally I want to thank the teachers who trusted me and helped me with their knowledge and advice.
Now, as time comes to this reflection about life itself, based on my experiences in our school, I can get some conclusions based on my knowledge. Regarding to what the actual knowledge the school have taught me, it cannot be applied in our modern practical world. If I went out of school and went to work right now, I would do nothing more but to flip burgers. Students may know a lot of sciences, and math, and social studies, and English; but they can’t be really applied to our world, to solve real issues. This is the problem with our educational system; they are not preparing us for the real world.
This is the reason I will base this document on actual experiences the school have given me. There are some teachers who have actually helped me and changed my way of thinking. It is not with their academic knowledge, but through their actions and life experiences. By this I can base my knowledge and standards about how the world is really outside to create a set of goals in order to change, our sometimes sad, reality we are immersed in.
I would like to inspire and help people with their issues, and I believe this can be achieved by putting the welfare of others into consideration no matter if this demands more sacrifice for me. This has been recently applied by me in helping other classmates to study for exams. Early this month one classmate asked for my help to study for an exam, I agreed with pleasure because I have always advocated helping other people, especially if that does not “hurt” me. I helped him not because I wanted something back from him, but because it was the right thing to do. I believe that people only need a little push for them to achieve success.  
This experienced show me how everyone can get satisfaction by just a little more sacrifice from everybody. I consider that by doing this in our practical world we can get a lot more innovation and success in our society. By doing this, people that don’t have as much opportunities as others may grow their own products and create more of them. This will help our society prosper, because there would be more income distributed in more people.
Helping others is one of the reasons I chose to study medicine, to help others in their integrity and health. I would like to live in a world were human values are more important than money and were one person gets medical attention even if he(or she) does not have the financial support to receive it. That is one of my main goals in studying this awesome career, to change people’s mentality that a human life is much worthy and valuable that all of the money on the planet.
This life philosophy is what I believe the people of our time should be more focused on; helping others than the auto-destructive means of money. I know that to maintain this philosophy would be hard, but as Marcelo Bielsa once said “un hombre con nuevas ideas es un loco, hasta que triunfa.” In order to achieve these goals I have to be patient, work hard to be an influential doctor, and be perseverant. I know that this won’t solve all the world’s problems but I know that if everyone makes a little sacrifice, we can all help with our grain of sand for future generations. I will try to give back the world and humanity, all the blessings that they have gotten into my life. 

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

Since the early age man have created products to satisfy everybody's needs. However, companies have also specialized in creating products with an stipulated life time. This first started in the 1930's with the Light bulb conspiracy. The light bulb conspiracy describes the plan of the light bulb makers and their companies to intentionally create a decrease in the light bulbs usage hours in order for people to invest more on light bulbs once the first ones were damaged. After using this system to create more income in their companies, many other companies followed. Light bulbs had a radical decrease of their hours of usage, from 25000 hours to a 1000. This is a clear evidence how planned obsolescence has been slowly introduced to the public to buy more products. Since the light bulb "cartel", production has increased due to planned obsolescence.

Today, planned obsolescence is seen as people always buying the newest version or trend. As this happens, companies get rid of their old products using third world countries as a dumpster. Specialist say that if consumerism meant happiness, that was not true, because in the time of Marx, people buyed 26 times less and people are not happier now, so that means happiness is subjective. Planned obsolescence had led to a consumerism culture were the economy and the jobs are based on how things damage and they have to be replaced by new ones.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

4 Horsemen

The US has been considered one of the greatest empires that has excisted theoughout the history of mankind. Howver this empire might not seem as solid and estable as it is shown. The filn of the 4 Horsemen estates the possible causes of the American empire's fall. According to the film, an empire has always 6 ages; of outburst, of conquest, of commerce, of affluence, of intellect, and of decadence. We are living in a time of decadence, this is clearly shown with the high levels of prostitution and corruption in our system. Our modern system only has the ability to favor little amount of people. Like Gandhi once said "there is enough for everybody's need, but not for everybody's greed", this explains how if the wealth is shared among all economical stratus there would be more prosperity among everyone.

The economy also takes part in this age of decadence we are living in. The banks creates the money out of nothing and they are under the FIAT system which increases the corruption because there is nothing to back up the money. In this system there is only "invented" money, the real value of the money can't be evaluated. Until the last century communism and capitalism were battling as the ruling phylosophies. When communism felt, capitalism arose, and therefore our actual system got stronger. Melton Freeman is the pioneer of the modern system. Another factor that has fortified our decadence is the the destitution of the glass-steigell act, which limited the speculation of banks with people's money. This helped with corruption because pf desmesurate risks the bank took with others money, which eventually led in the economical crisis.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Banco de la republica

The colombian monetary system is based on the Banco de la republica, which is not constituted as part of the government but it has its own organization and has its own autonomy. It is directed by the delegated of the Banco de la republica and five other members that are elected by the president. Its main function is to reduce the inflation in the country. It was created in 1923 and was created in the past monetary system based on gold, 10 millions of that time. The colombian monetary system has abandoned that gold based system, and has replaced it in numbers in a computer and the faith and conviction that the people has in its own government.

This mean that in order for the value of the money to go up, the support of people to its own government has to increase. Some similarities between this system and the one implemented in the US are that they both used to have a representation in gold of the value of the money. They can also be compared in that now they are more based on money in computers that in actual paper. Some of its differences are that they do not base their value of their money in the same thing. The US dollar is based on loans and debts as well as the imagination of the Federal Reserve. The Banco de la republica bases its money on the trust people have on their own government.  
Photo via:ública_de_Colombia

Federal reserve banking system

Have you aver wondered how money its created? In the US the money is created by the national reserve, this money is the result of debt that the government acquire with the reserve. This is because the government needs cash so it asks it from the national reserve. The national reserve then creates this amount of money out of "thin air" it just invents this money. This money (that does not really exist) is then exchanged with the government by government bonds. Then the government puts this money into several banking account. That money that is stored in the bank then is loaned by other people or organizations. The money that they can loan out the original money is 90 percent of the amount which can be later stored into another account and be loaned again. This process can be repeated up to increase the initial amount of money by 9.

This means that our whole society and banking system is based on the loans. Loans also mean that after the money you have taken from the moneylender, you have to pay back that money plus the interest. There is only one problem with this system, how would be everyone to be able to pay the debt plus the interest if all the money that is created is only the loan? It is not possible for everyone to pay their interest to the loaners because there would have to be created more money to satisfy the interest rates, but that would only create more debt, returning to the original problem. 

The only way a person can satisfy the debt plus the interest would inevitably provoke someone's bankruptcy in the system. This system is designed to literally make bankruptcy to other people in order for everyone to maintain their payments. There have to be someone sacrificed in order for the rest to take his money and pay the interest. This system also creates a life of economical submission because people are obligated to work in order to pay their debts.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

NATO stops "all military relationships" with Russia.

NATO has announced that, in collaboration with the Ukrainian government, had ceased any collaboration with the military action taken place by Russia to annex the region of Crimea, previously Ukrainian territory. With this announcement, the NATO rejects and disapproves the illegal occupation of Russian forces in Crimea. The organization has stated that in order for Russia to be supported again by the NATO it would have to move out its troops of the occupied territory. Unfortunately, there has not been any confirmation from the Russian government to withdraw its troops.

This crisis, stated the organization, is one of the major ideological confrontations since the Cold War. The situation has also intensified with the confirmation from the Russian oil company Gazprom that the prices of gas exports to Ukraine would increase by 40 percent. One proposed measurement that has been analyzed by the media is that the NATO would send more troops into the Ukrainian territory to make a point on Russia. But that might be seen as a provocation to the government of Vladimir Putin which has consistently supported the occupation of Crimea and is known for his harshness in dialogue. However some countries as Poland have stated that they would welcome more presence of NATO forces in its country.

On the other part, the UE would be willing to support with financial aid the Ukrainian territory, expecting no sanctions from Russia to them. This would help Ukraine with its new oil prices. Both the UE and the NATO hopes for the conflict to be over and for stability to come back to the region.


Food Inc.

During the last few weeks we have been exposed to a great quantity of information about how the world is shaped today. One of the most influential films was Food Inc. which reflected the truly industrial food conglomerate in which the american people are especially immersed in. In this alimentary system directed by enormous corporates is ruled by corruption and its a disgraceful truth that had been hidden to the consumers. This film relates to other previously reviewed films, such as Confessions of an Economic Hitman, in that they reflect the economical power that corporates maintain over the poor countries and the farmers to influence and shape the whole system into submission.

The corporates use the necessities of others to enforce abuse in which the country or producer do what the company says or they are just simply considered "non useful" for the company. This makes the company the "owner" of the farmers and the company decisions based on the debt that the company enforces they to acquire, either to maintain themselves with the "company's standards" or to invest it on their people. If either the farmer or the country omits the corporate orders, their rulers are assassinated or the farmer is finished his contract to the company.

The race issue is also involved in this cruel corporate system in which the poorest races such as latinos are hired to manage animals and vegetables. This is because they are illegal immigrants and they do not have to be paid the same amount as an average american worker would receive. Illegal immigrants can't protest the working conditions or form any type of syndicate because they can't have rights in america, which is beneficial for the company because it is less investment in their workers; less losses.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Ukraine loses embarkations in Crimea

After they formal inclussion of the Crimean peninsula to Russia, they russian army has dispossesed Ukraine of almost its entire navy fleet that was located in Crimea. They have threatened and sank Ukranian ships to cease its opperation in the newly added territory. In the lake were the events tooked place, russian militaries sank two embarcations to block the entrance of that lake into open water to prevent the flight of Ukranian ships out of the peninsula. They then proceeded to harass and approach the rest of the ukranian ships into surrender but the ukranian militaries resisted bravely for some days until it was inevitable for them to give up.

There have been information and rumours that the ukranian militaries were unarmed and could not reaist the attack appropiately. This was denied by the actual Ukranian Prime Minister. The Ukranian militaries continue to resist the action of the Russian militaries but into a peaceful way even though they have armament to repel the action. This is because according to the militaries, this would cause "a massive spilling of blood from inocent people". This reflects their patriotism for the sovereignty of Ukraine and their respect toward civilian population. The refusal of the ukranian militaries of taking action, was preceded by an order of the ukranian government to attack any kind of appropiation from Russia. This order was clearly disobeyed for good.
Photo via:

Economic Hit Men consequences

Economic hit man are men hired by powerful countries and corporations to get the "inferior" countries into economical submission due to huge debt they can't afford. They trick a country into owing huge amounts of money in order for the country to "invest on its people", but the reallity is that they want them to enter into the corporatocracy. Corporatocracy us the system in which the companies, the economical submission and control of a territory are established by a foreign power. These system drags down much of our income in latin america, which is one of the main discontents that people have against actual government.

Some of this consequesces include the rejection toward the TLC here in Colombia. Many people, including local merchants and manufacturers agree that this agreement with the US government is not beneficial for them. They know that if foreign companies come here, people will buy their more especialized product. By this, this companies will be drilling the money out of the country. Other consequence might be the US military bases that are in Colombian territory. This  bases were established in 2011 but people might say they are a sort of "payment" from Colombia to the US as part of their debts.

Another main consequence might be that the US government is the one that regulates our prices of oil. Thse is because they have private oil companies here and they impose their own prices. That is obe reason why the oil prices are so high. 

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Power Privileges

History has always teached us that the people who control society and all what we know are because of their amount of power. Power may be defined as the ability to influence someone or something. Power can be political, economical, physical, ideological and such. Power is dependent on many factors that influence our life. This aspects include gender, money, race, culture, strength, intelligence, nationality, language, education, and many other factors. This is why some peoples have more power than others, because they have external factors that fix their perception of society and how society sees them. 

One of the most used powers nowdays are the power of fear. This can be demonstrated when a state oppresses its own people and marginate them from the rest of society, as in the case of North Korea. However, power can also be fundamented in popular will, for example the situation lived in Venezuela and Ukraine earlier this year. The people organized themselves to protest against governmental measures. During these protests, even though the government had more military power the people were able to achieve their objectives through popular power. 

The power privileges give the powerful people a chance to manage the situation as they please. Power is the main relation that has governed our lifes through our lifetime. Everything that we do and experience is a result of powers that move around us. Achieving power can be very difficult, specially if you don't have any of the prior mentioned abilities. Some people may have influence on some areas but been restricted in others. This means that one does have to influence everyone in society but you can have some power and lack some others.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Race reflection

Race has oftened been relationed with biological and genetic aspects of the human body. It is commonly believed that  determined races have some special abilities and that those abilities condition the person. For example, it is believed that black people are destined to be poor and thiefs because of their race. This is proved to be a biological myth because the characteristics that influence someone's life is shaped by society. This belief starts from the 17th century where whites were seen as the superior race. This idea conditioned the other groups to submission, which made them their subordinates and entering poverty. 

This is the reason why some groups are considered dumb and poor, because they were conditioned by society, not by their genes. Thats why a group that wanted to secure white dominance through biological selection was created, called eugenics. This group of people wanted to restrict relation between whites and other groups because they thought the other groups would bring civilization down. They believed they will damage and harm the human existance through their "bad genes".

However, race does not have a biological existance, it includes the social part. Race only exists socially, it can be denied that race exist to difference people. People can be identified socially, but not by their genes. It is more different two people that are from the same "race" that  two people from different "races". Genetically, a black person is more different to another black person than to a white person. That is why race is only of social concern, not scientifical. 

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Situation in Crimea

The situation in the crimean peninsula has turned critical after the celebration of the bicentenary of the poet Taras Shevchenko, an ukrainian national day, when the gathering formed into a discussion between prorussians and ukrainian nationalists. The ukrainian first minister has anounced a visit to the US to solve the conflict. Thousands of people protested in Kiev and other cities such as Sebastopol to support to sovereignty of Ukraine, at a time when Russian troops control the Ukrainian Crimea.

In Kiev, the prime minister said that Ukraine will not give "an inch of its territory" to Russia.Tension is intense in the Crimea, where the local parliament has challenged the authority of Kiev, by organizing a referendum to integrate into Russia. A commander of the Ukrainian guard recently indicated that 30,000 Russian troops were in Crimea.
Photo via: AFP.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Lemon tree

In the film Lemon Tree directed by Eran Riklis it is clearly exposed the abuse of the country of Israel toward the palestinians. Palestinians don't have rights compared to the Israelite necessities. This is expossed when the palestinian woman, Salma, can't protect her grove from the Israelite law and government to cut it. Israel have total control over the lives of the palestinians. Everyday, palestinians have right violations and they can't stop this from happening because the ones that dictates the laws are Israel and the international community that supports it, even if the decision has no justice at all. That is a land were it is not justice that flowrishes but influences that replaces it.

The film also exposes the situation lived by arab women in which they are discriminated by society. This specific gender is harshly attacked by society in their relationships and the veils they have to use to cober their hair. Women are marginated because, once their commitment to their husband has endes, they can't "dishonor" him by having another relationship. They are also seen as the weak gender and treated with inferiority.

This movie or event sets the precedent of a palestinian civilian wining a case against the Israel government. Violations against the palestinians before this event were often won by Israel. However, this case was not a victory of Israel toward palestinians, but a draw. Both parts had a divided decision from the international court. This is important because it does not show a complete abuse of Israel against the people of Palestine.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Israel war crimes against humanity

I have searched and found the link to the Israeli war crimes against humanity: This shows the little or no reaction the world has taken to stop the bloody campaign that Israel has created in the middle east. It shows how the Israeli government should be sanctioned for all its massacres and illegal occupations. Israel has also been protected by the US government, as well as justifying the world's complaints to be anti-semitism against Israel. This makes Israel unpunished so far. What do you think about this?
Photo via:

Venezuela today

Venezuela has been involved into an internal conflict based on the desire of destitution to the president Nicolas Maduro. People are protesting to drive out of the power Nicolas Maduro, due to the great level of insecurity, social discontent, and the economic crisis. The conflict has recently involved the national guard firing against students and civials that protest against the regime.
Link 1: 
Link 2:
MLA citation: Protesta Venezuela, Valera, Edo. Trujillo 24 Febrero 2014. 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <>.
From my point of view I can predict that the opposition will eventually overthrow Maduro. This is because they are willing to maintain in the streets until they achieve what they want. Other prediction that can be depicted is the possible assasination of president Maduro if he is not willing to get out of power by his own. In order for maduro to get out of power he would have to be killed, because he is not going to resign his power.
The venezuelan conflict can be compared to the lybian conflict a few years back because the dictator would be thrown out of government just by violent means, or assasination, like Gadafi. Like the lybian conflict, civilians must assasinate the dictator in order for peace to be restored in the country. It is only a matter of time before civilians and the opposition to the regime can take action on Nicolas Maduro and restore the Venezuelan government.

Dining With Terrorists

In the show "Dining with terrorist", the host Phil Reese introduces the situation lived in the West Bank and Gaza in Palestine. There is also shown the abuses and injustice from Israel towards the palestinians. They have a lack of land and live in oppression because the Isralites are creating their own settlements in palestinian territory. They both have their points of views based on the bible and their legitimate territory. Israel says that the bible states that the land belong to them. However, palestinians have that land as dictated by the UN.
MLA citation:Dining with terrorist-fighting occupation 28 feb 09- pt1. 2009. Web. 2 Mar 2014.
In this serie of videos it is clearly reflected how the israelites have abused of their neighbors, the palestinians into assinament in their own territory. People have suffered this economically and politically. This is because they depend on israel decisions, because they are not allowed to have their own presidency, and habe few income because israel blocks most of their trade. Israel is slowly driving palestine into a smaller portion of land.
From my personal point of view I feel that the only way for the palestinians to gain their rights will be violently. This is because the Israelite government won't recognize the palestine state. Besides, it will continue its oppression toward the palestines to get the rest of their land. Israel won't rest until they obtain the rest of Palestine as their own.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Venezuelan conflict

The Venezuelan conflict is based on the popular and civil action of toppling down Nicolas Maduro's regime. People are protesting against this government because they are tired of its abuses, its politics and ideas, and economic crisis.

This revolutionary movement was initiated by Leopoldo Lopez, who was the former mayor of Chacao. He initiated this protest to fight against the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro and the politics he has followed on his government. Leopoldo Lopez studied in Harvard and worked as economical analyst of PDVSA (Venezuelan oil company). This conflict is mainly led by students that support Lopez's ideas.

The final objective of this revolutionary act is to get Maduro's resignation from the power. Authorities, who support Maduro, has abused of civilians by violent acts. Maduro has tried to stop the publication of the conflict and his abuses toward civilians through the media. He kicked out of the country one of the two mayor news agencies: NTN24, who denounced his atrocities. He tried to expel CNN as well, but he later retracted.

Situation has turned critic in the last days when protest have intensified and several students were found dead. The opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez gave himself to the authorities under his own will. Marches and protests have also taken place in various places around the world to manifest their sympathy toward the Venezuelan opposition trying to overthrow Maduro. Many people are expectant to see this conflict have a final resolution with a quickly overthrow of Nicolas Maduro.
Valencia, Venezuela.
Foto via: Instagram- @venezuelalucha
Tachira, Venezuela.
Foto via: Instagram- @venezuelalucha

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014


Why do you keep expanding?
You greedy beast
With the power of a thousand armies
Steamroller of oppression
That wants the treasures of others.

The monster who wants more
That he would ever consume
And feeds himself from the horror.
Of unequal servants,
And rule over the land of the inferiors.

About me

My name is Daniel Higuera, I am 17 years old and study at Colegio Panamericano in the beautiful city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. I have always liked sports, especially football. My favorite team is Real Madrid. I expect to study bacteriology in Bogota after I graduate. I am very pleased to start this blog to expose and publish some of my work to the people interested. I hope you find some useful information that will keep you attracted.